Principal’s Message

Our school is a symbol of quality and progressive education.  We aim at training our children not only to pursue academic excellence but also to motivate and empower them to be lifelong learners, critical thinkers, productive members of the society and to dedicate themselves for the betterment of the world they are a part of.

I firmly believe that education should transform our students under our care, who in turn can make a difference in society and the world. We value the development of moral character, self esteem and a sense of responsibility, besides endeavoring for academic and leadership qualities in our students.

Many people consider education as a medium of getting good jobs, living a royal life, earning money and much more. But education doesn’t really mean this. Real meaning comes when one’s way of thinking gets changed and one starts thinking for the betterment of the society, country and world at large. On the whole education means holistic development of a child not only restricted to the achievements of academics but also helping the child to come up with that inherited knowledge to build a better tomorrow; with a disciplined way of life.

We believe that every child is a gift of God, and that excellence is the way of life. Keeping this in mind we provide the students value based education, opportunities to grow in every sphere of life both in academics and in their personality development. In the field of co- curricular activities, games, and sports our students are paving their way towards great heights.

Ms. Jagruti Upadhyay
In-charge Principal