Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 Basic Mathematics

1 – Unit and measurement

2 July 26 2 – Motion in Straight line

3 – Motion in plane

3 August 23 4 – Laws of Motion

5 – Work Energy Power

4 September 23 6 – Rotational Motion

7 – Gravitation

5 October 21 8 – Mechanical Properties of solid
Revision and First term exam
6 November 12 9 – Mechanical properties of fluids
7 December 25 10 – Thermal Properties of matter

11- Thermodynamics

8 January 24 12- Kinetic Theory of Gases
Revision and Second term exam
9 February 24 13 – Oscillation
10 March 23 14 – Waves
11 April 22 Revision and Annual exam
Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Vernier callipers

2 – Micrometre screw gauge

2 July 26 3 – Spherometer

4 – Beam Balance

5 – Parallelogram

3 August 23 6 – Simple Pendillum

7 – Coefficient of Friction

4 September 23 8 – Inclined Plane

9 – Young’s Modulus

5 October 21 10 – Spring Constant

11 – Variation of Volume with Pressure

6 November 12 12 – Capillary Method

13 – Coefficient of viscosity

7 December 25 14 – Cooling curve

15 – Sonometer

8 January 24 16 – Resonance Tube

17 ­– Specific Heat

9 February 24 Revision
10 March 23 Annual practical exam
Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Some basic concepts of chemistry
2 July 26 2 – Structure of atom

3 – Classification of elements & periodicity in properties

3 August 23 3 – Classification of elements & periodicity in properties

4 – Chemical bonding & molecular structure

4 September 23 4 – Chemical bonding & molecular structure

5 – Thermodynamics

5 October 21 6 – Equilibrium
Revision and First term exam
6 November 12 6 – Equilibrium
7 December 25 6 – Equilibrium

7 – Redox  reactions

8 January 24 8 – Organic chemistry : some basic principles & techniques
Revision and Second term exam
9 February 24 9 – Hydrocarbons
10 March 23 9 – Hydrocarbons
11 April 22 Revision and Annual exam
Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Introduction

2  – Basic Laboratory Techniques

2 July 26 6 – Titrimetric Analysis
3 August 23 5 – pH And pH Change In Aqueous Solutions. – demonstration

(Experiment no. 5.2, 5.3, 5.5)

4 September 23 7 – Systematic Qualitative Analysis
5 October 21
6 November 12
7 December 25
8 January 24 4 – Chemical Equilibrium – Demonstration (Experiment – 4.1, 4.2)
9 February 24 3 – Purification And Criteria Of Purity – Demonstration

(experiment 3.1 and 3.2/3.3)


10 March 23 Annual practical exam
Sr. No. Month Working


Curriculum Planning


1 June 17 1 – The Living World

2 – Biological Classification

3 – Plant Kingdom

2 July 26 3 –  Plant Kingdom

4 – Animal Kingdom

5 – Morphology of Flowering Plants

3 August 23 5 – Morphology of Flowering Plants

6 – Anatomy of Flowering Plants

7 – Structural Organization in Animals

4 September 23 7 – Structural Organization in Animals

8 – Cell: The Unit of Life

9 – Biomolecules

5 October 21 9. Biomolecules

10 – Cell Cycle and Cell Division

11 – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Revision and First term exam
6 November 12 11 – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
7 December 25 12 – Respiration in Plants

13 – Plant Growth and Development

8 January 24 14 – Breathing and Exchange of Gases

15 – Body Fluids and Circulation

Revision and Second term exam
9 February 24 16 – Excretory Products and their Elimination

17 – Locomotion and Movement

18 – Neural Control and Coordination

10 March 23 18 – Neural Control and Coordination

19 – Chemical Coordination and Integration

11 April 22 Revision and Annual Exam
Sr. No. Month Working


Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Microscope

2 – Morphology of bacteria, fungi, plants

2 July 26 3 – External features- animals

5 – Inflorescences

3 August 23 6 – plant family

7 – Anatomy of monocot and dicot

4 September 23 8 – Animal model

4 – Mitosis

5 October 21 9 – Plasmolysis (demonstration)

13 – Plant pigments

6 November 12 14 – Respiration (demonstration)
7 December 25 10, 11 & 12 – Detection of carbohydrate, protein, fat

15 – Demonstration on set up

8 January 24 16, 17, 18, & 19 – Presence of particular compound in urine
9 February 24 20 – human skeleton

21 – joints in human skeleton


10 March 23 Annual practical exams
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Sets
2 July 26 2 – Relation and function
3 – Trigonometric function
3 August 23 4 – Complex number and quadratic equation
5 – Linear inequalities
4 September 23 6 – Permutations and combination
7 – Binomial theorem
5 October 21 8 – Sequences and series
Revision and First term exam
6 November 12 9 – Straight lines
7 December 25 9 – Straight lines
10 – Conic sections
8 January 24 10 – Conic sections
11 – Introduction to three dimensional geometry
Revision and Second term exam
9 February 24 12 – Limits and derivatives
13 – Statistics
10 March 23 13 – Statistics
14 – Probability
11 April 22 Revision and Annual term exam
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 L.1 – The portrait of a lady
P.1 – A photograph
2 July 26 L.2 – We’re not afraid to die
L.3  – Discovering tut : The saga continue
S.R.1 – The summer of the beautiful white horse
3 August 23 P.2 – The Laburnum Top
S.R.2 – Address
4 September 23 L.5 – The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement’s Role
P.3 – The Voice of the Rain
5 October 21 Revision and first term exam
6 November 12 P.4 – Childhood  
7 December 25 L.7 – The Adventure
S.R.5 – Mother’s Day
8 January 24 S.R.6 – The Ghat of the only world
P.5 – Father to  Son
Revision and second term exam
9 February 24 L.8 –Silk Road
S.R.7 – Birth
10 March 23 S.R.8 – The Tale of Melon City
11 April 22 Revision and Annual term exam
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Introduction to Multimedia
2 – Animation Tool: Synfig
2 July 26 3 – Creating Animation Using Synfig
4 – Introduction to Layers
5 – Using Pictures in Synfig
3 August 23 5 – Using Pictures in Synfig
4 September 23 6 – Basic Ubuntu Linux Commands
5 October 21 6 – Basic Ubuntu Linux Commands
7 – Vim Editor and Basic Scripting
First term exam
6 November 12 7– Vim Editor and Basic Scripting
8 – Advance Scripting
7 December 25 9 – Introduction to Database Management System
10 – Working with Tables
11 – Retrieving Data Using Queries
8 January 24 12 – Forms and Reports
13 – Current Trends and Technologies
Second term exam
9 February 24 13 – Current Trends and Technologies
10 March 23 Revision and Annual practical exam
11 April 22 Revision and Annual term exam


Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Electric Charge & Fields
2 – Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
2 July 26 2 – Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
3 – Current Electricity
3 August 23 4 – Moving Charges and Magnetism
5 – Magnetism and matter
4 September 23 6 – Electromagnetic Induction
7 – Alternating current
5 October 21 7 – Alternating current
8 – Electromagnetic waves
Revision and First term exam
6 November 12 9 – Ray optics
7 December 25 10- Wave optics
11 – Dual nature of radiation and matter
12 – Atom
8 January 24 13- Nuclie
14- Semiconductor Electronics
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Ohm’s law

2 – Meter bridge

3 – Meter bridge (Series and parallel)

2 July 26 4 – Potentiometer

5 – Potentiometer (internal resistance)

6 – Galvanometer

3 August 23 7 – Galvanometer(conversion)

8 – Sonometer

9 – Concave mirror

4 September 23 10 – Convex lens

11 – Convex mirror using convex lens

12 – Concave lens with convex lens

5 October 21 13 – Prism

14 – Travelling microscope

6 November 12 15 – Refractive index of liquid
7 December 25 16 – p-n junction diode
8 January 24 Revision
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 Chapter 1 – Solutions
Chapter 2 – Electrochemistry
2 July 26 Chapter 2 – Electrochemistry
Chapter 3 – Chemical kinetics
3 August 23 Chapter 3 – Chemical kinetics
Chapter 6 – Haloalkanes and haloarenes compounds
4 September 23 Chapter 7 – Alcohol, Phenol and ether compounds
Chapter 8 – Aldehyde, ketones and carboxylic acid compounds
5 October 21 Chapter 8 – Aldehyde, ketones and carboxylic acid compounds
Revision and First term exam
6 November 12 Chapter 9 – Amine compounds
7 December 25 Chapter 4 – d & f block elements
Chapter 5 – co-ordinate compounds
8 January 24 Chapter 5 – co-ordinate compounds
Chapter 10 – biomolecules
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working Days Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 6    – Titrimetric analysis
(Redox reactions)
2 July 26 7    – Systematic Qualitative Analysis
3 August 23
4 September 23 8 –Tests for functional groups in organic compounds
5 October 21
6 November 12 11 – Test for carbohydrates fats and proteins
7 December 25
8 January 24 Revision
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Reproduction in organisms
2 – Sexual reproduction in flowering plants
2 July 26 3 – Human reproduction
4 – Reproductive health
5 – Principles of inheritance and variation
3 August 23 5 – Principles of inheritance and variation
6 – Molecular basis of inheritance
4 September 23 7 – Evolution
8 – Human health and disease
9 – Strategies for enhancement in food production
5 October 21 10 – Microbes in human welfare
11 – Biotechnology : principles and processes
12 – Biotechnology and its applications
Revision and First term exam
6 November 12 12 – Biotechnology and its application
13 – Organisms and populations
7 December 25 14 – Ecosystem
15 – Biodiversity and conservation
16 – Environmental issues
8 January 24 Revision
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Reproductive parts of flower
2 – Pollen germination
3 – Pollen tube growth
4 – Gametogenesis in testis and ovary
2 July 26 5 – Gametophyte in ovary of flower
6 – Mitosis in onion root tip
13 – Acetocarmine stain
7 – Meiosis- permanent slides
8 – Blastula stage
3 August 23 9 – Mendel’s law of segregation
10 – Mendel’s law of independent assortment
11 – Pedigree chart
12 – Controlled pollination
4 September 23 14 – Disease causing organisms
15 – Texture of soil
25 – Homologous and analogous organs
5 October 21 16 – Water holding capacity of soil
19 – pH of water and soil
20 – Turbidity of water
6 November 12 17, 18. – Ecological adaptation
7 December 25 21. – Living organisms in water
22 – SPM in air
23, 24 – Quadrat method
8 January 24 Revision
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 1 – Relation and function
2 July 26 2 – Inverse trigonometric function
3 – Matrix
3 August 23 4 – Determinant
5 – Continuity and differentiation
4 September 23 6 – Application of derivatives
7 – Integration
5 October 21 7 – Integration
8 – Application of integration
Revision and first term exam
6 November 12 9 – Differential equation
7 December 25 10 – Vector algebra
11 – Three dimension geometry
8 January 24 12 – Linear programming
13 – Probability
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 L.1 – The last lesson
P.1 – My Mother at Sixty Six
S.R.1 – The Third Level
2 July 26 L.2 – Lost Spring
S.R.2 – The Tiger King
3 August 23 L.3 – Deep Water
P.3 – Keeping Quiet
S.R.3 – Journey to the End of the Earth
4 September 23 L.4 –  The Rattrap
L.5 – Indigo
S.R.4 – The Enemy
5 October 21 P.4 – A Thing of beauty
P.5 –  A roadside stand
Revision and first term exam
6 November 12 L.6 – Poets and Pancakes
7 December 25 L.7 – The Interview
P.6 – Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
S.R.6 – On the face of it
8 January 24 L.8 –  Going Places
S.R.8 –  Memories of Childhood
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam
Sr. No. Month Working
Curriculum Planning
1 June 17 13 – Other useful free tools and services
4 – Introduction to E-commerce
5 – Introduction to M-Commerce
2 July 26 1 – Creating HTML forms using KompoZer
2 – Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript
3 August 23 3 – Designing simple website using KompoZer
6 – Object -Oriented concepts
4 September 23 7 – Java Basics
8 – Classes and objects in Java
5 October 21 8 – Classes and objects in Java
9 – Working with Array and String
First Term Exam
6 November 12 9 – Working with Array and String
7 December 25 10 – Exception handling in Java
11 – File Handling
12 – Publishing documents using LaTex
8 January 24 Revision
9 February 24 Prelim exam and Board Practical exam
10 March 23 Board exam