AES AG Higher Secondary School takes immense pride in providing state-of-the-art laboratory facilities to enhance the practical learning experience for students. The school’s commitment to fostering scientific curiosity and technological innovation is reflected in its comprehensive laboratory infrastructure.

Maths Science Composite Laboratory with Atal Tinkering Lab:
The school boasts a spacious and well-equipped Maths Science Composite Laboratory, offering students a dynamic space for interactive and collaborative learning.
The integration of the Atal Tinkering Lab provides students with a platform for hands-on experimentation and innovation, aligning with the principles of the Atal Innovation Mission.

Physics Laboratory:
The dedicated Physics Laboratory is fully equipped with advanced apparatus and instruments, enabling students to conduct a wide range of experiments and explore fundamental principles of physics.
The laboratory environment supports practical learning and enhances students’ understanding of complex physical concepts.

Chemistry Laboratory:
The Chemistry Laboratory is designed to provide students with a safe and well-organized space for conducting experiments in chemistry.
State-of-the-art equipment and adequate safety measures ensure that students engage in practical work with precision and confidence.

Biology Laboratory:
The fully equipped Biology Laboratory is a hub for students to engage in hands-on exploration of biological concepts.
The laboratory setup facilitates dissections, microscopy, and various experiments, allowing students to delve deeper into the world of biology.

Computer Laboratory with Server and Internet Facilities:
The Computer Laboratory at AES AG Higher Secondary School is equipped with the latest hardware and software, creating a conducive environment for learning and experimentation in the field of computer science.
High-speed internet connectivity and server facilities enable students to access online resources, conduct research, and develop practical skills in computer applications.

The advanced laboratory infrastructure enhances the practical learning experience, allowing students to apply theoretical knowledge in a real-world context. The inclusion of the Atal Tinkering Lab encourages students to explore their innovative and creative potential, fostering a spirit of entrepreneurship.

The specialized laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Computer Science contribute to the development of specific skills required for diverse fields of study.

The Computer Laboratory, equipped with internet facilities, promotes technological literacy, preparing students for the digital age and encouraging research-based learning.

The laboratory infrastructure at AES AG Higher Secondary School stands as a testament to the institution’s commitment to providing students with a well-rounded and practical education. These advanced facilities contribute significantly to the overall academic and skill development of the students.